One step closer to a multicultural society

Finland has become more multicultural. Now companies are taking advantage of this opportunity to learn more about non-Finnish customers and to improve their services.
Therefore, Hanken & SSE has designed the International Business Lead Program (Micro MBA 2017) for educated and experienced foreigners who are living in Finland and are part of the Finnish society. The last part of Hanken & SSE program is the a two-months internship with Finnish companies that share the same multicultural values (read in more detail).
People-first approach is one of OP's values, and based on this value OP Helsinki is now involving non-Finnish customers to better understand their multicultural backgrounds.
Hanken's collaboration has given us the opportunity to work with OP's customer service experts. In order to streamline and enhance OP's services, we will share our experiences during this period with OP's management. We will report the customer experience from international customers point of view and try to bridge any gaps between non-Finnish customers and OP's services.
We will share our ideas with you in the near future! Please write your comments and thoughts below!
OP Helsinki International team: Tameem, Larissa, Rupashree, and Mina
*) Julkaisemme kansainvälisten harjoittelijoidemme kirjoittaman blogin poikkeuksellisesti englanniksi
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